Wednesday, January 23, 2013

VDA # 6: Prune Fingers!

VDA #6
Prune Fingers!
due: Friday, January 25th (11:59pm)

Please read the article found here and then address the following questions.  Your responses must be in complete sentences.  Complete sentences contain a subject (a noun, real or implied) and a predicate (verb) and form a complete thought. 

*Be sure to copy and paste the questions into your own blog post prior to answering the questions.  In addition, be sure to put a title on your blog post that indicates this is VDA #6.

1. Scientists predict that prune fingers may serve a purpose.  What purpose do they suggest prune fingers serve?

2. Do you think that the study performed in England was a valid study?  Why or why not?  

3. How would you design an experiment to gather more data to support the suggestion that prune fingers serve a purpose?   (Be sure to include the number of people sampled, the independent and dependent variables and the duration or amount of time for your experiment.)

4. While scientists are attempting to determine the biological purpose for prune fingers, the article does not discuss why prune fingers happen in the first place.  What biological process allows for the skin on our hands and feet to turn wrinkly when submerged in water for long periods of time?  

1 comment:

  1. im having spaceing on my vda 6 so theres a huge space between #3 an its answer. i hope it all right with you.
