Thursday, April 4, 2013

DNA Replication, Protein Synthesis, Personal Genomes and Pipelines, Oh my!

So far this week in class, we've covered two main topics: DNA replication and protein synthesis.
If you are interested in learning more about either process, you can visit  There are many videos that will walk you through each process.

I especially enjoyed this video.

During our discussion on DNA, I mentioned a service provided by 23andMe.  For $99 per individual, you can have your genetic information analyzed for ethnic origin and health information.  I did this for myself and my children and discovered some very interesting things about each of us.

Finally, I shared a news article pertaining to oil pipelines with the students today.  Their assignment is to read it and we will discuss the issue in depth tomorrow.  You may read the article by clicking here.  This issue is one that I am mentioning because a Canadian company is building a tar sand pipeline through Northwest Indiana and much of the Northeastern United States.  The consequences of these pipelines are loss of wetlands (and despite legislation requiring mitigation of wetlands lost to such projects, not all wetlands are created equal) and potential leaks or breaks which could have catastrophic results.  This project is happening locally (this morning I saw the company's vehicle parked on our property) and will very likely have a large impact on our immediate environment.

As always, if you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me. 

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