Friday, November 30, 2012



  1. Yes, it actualy is true all scientists think like that im the 1st picture.

  2. yes i agree 100% with Maria. Unless your a dumb scientist then you don't see the world like the bottom picture. Although if your Eisenstein you see the world much more advanced from this. But if your me you just really wouldn't care how u saw the world. If you were me you would say "look a rabbit." "look birds." look nature." It pretty much decides on what kind of scientist, or kid, or Eisenstein you are.

  3. I fully agree on both. But belive it or not when im watching a movie about fighting or some game, i wonder about all of these measurements. "I wonder if that guy was supposed to be 3 feet away or 4?" or "What's the measurement of that freethrow the fake Michael Jordan just threw?" I guess I'm a little bit from both.
