Tuesday, November 6, 2012

VDA # 2

The Science of Secrets
Due: 11/8/2012

For VDA # 2, you will read the article entitled Cool Jobs: The Science of Secrets.  Once you read the entire article, do the following:

1.  Choose which of the subsections of the article you found most interesting and answer the following questions:
     a) In what way does their research contribute to the greater good?
     b) What questions did the scientist pose that led to the research that s/he did?
     c) What field of science does this fall into?  (Biology, chemistry, physics, etc.?)

2. Select one of the scientists mentioned in the article, and write a letter to him/her.  In the letter, include what you know about his/her research, what you found most fascinating and include a minimum of two well thought-out questions.  


  1. Ameer just showed me his blog. He is proud of it. Choosing one article to read and then answer the questions has reminded me of my college assignment. They are furtunate to work in such advanced way and with you. Very interesting.

    1. Thank you! I am fortunate to have such interested students in the class this year. They're definitely being exposed to technology in a way that's new to them. I hope that they continue working on their blog and making it something that they can be proud to show off. I've always enjoyed using blogs as a means of sharing work and communicating with others in an educational manner. :)
